You may have heard of influencer marketing, made popular by celebrities like the Kardashians.
With massive followings on Instagram, these influencers are paid tens of thousands of dollars for sponsored posts that promote a company’s products. But recent studies have shown that Instagram accounts with over 100,000 followers are decreasing in authentic engagement, while accounts with 1,000-30,000 followers are delivering 60% higher rate of likes, comments, and clicks. Since micro-influencers are viewed as relatable and more trustworthy than big names getting paid big bucks, sponsorships are 6.7 times more cost-efficient per engagement. Here’s what you need to know before diving into the influencer community:
Why Micro-Influencers?
Micro-influencers create niche communities and develop a following with those who share the same interests, such as health and wellness, food, fashion, or entrepreneurship. This makes them a prime marketing tool for brand-relevant products, generating content at scale. Additionally, their influence can turn followers into loyal customers and brand advocates. They are able to tell a story with the product in a natural environment, rather than a static or commercial-looking post that often comes with celebrity or sponsored posts. They have the flexibility to be creative in images or videos to more effectively garner engagement.
Finding the Right Micro-Influencers
Locating the right micro-influencers is crucial for maximizing your campaign ROI. Hiring a group of micro-influencers will help you increase your reach while keeping your overall marketing spend at a minimum.
Starting with your own followers, find those who are already talking about your brand, sharing your products, and writing reviews. For those whose profile matches your brand, reach out and engage with them.
To find influencers outside of your current followers, search for accounts using hashtags specific to your business or product. For example, #veganbakery would help narrow the field to a niche group rather than just searching for #bakery. For small businesses, finding local bloggers and influencers can further narrow the parameters for appropriate candidates. Use hashtags for the area, such as #BayArea.
Establishing a Partnership
Once you’ve established a relationship and expressed appreciation for their content, you can create a mutually beneficial partnership. For many companies, this means sending free product for them to use and post, while others may prefer monetary payments. Depending on your budget and goals, you can work with each influencer for the right deal. Keep in mind that while micro-influencers are particularly popular on Instagram, you can also find them on other social media channels or among bloggers.
Contact The Light Digital for help creating effective social media marketing strategies for your business.